Super BaBa was my California,
Proving that a journey west will bring you yeast,
And in those days we rarely dentured farther west
Than Allston.
There were no laopo in the lychees, no Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
And allmost everything your inner aisles contained
Was for all nautical porpoises purposes inedible
To a bland New Englander, who, steeped in gochujang so long,
Would enjoy you so much more now, were Lethe 紅蘿蔔.
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely dentured farther west
than Allston-Brighton.
We found no laopo in the lychees, no Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and allmost everything your inner aisles contained
was for all nautical porpoises inedible
to a bland New Englander, who, marinated in gochujang too long,
would enjoy you so much more now, were Lethe 紅蘿蔔.
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely went farther west
than Brighton.
We saw no laopo in the lychees, no Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and allmost everything the inner aisles contained
was for all nautical porpoises inedible
to a bland New Englander, who, rubbed in gochugaru too long,
would love you so much more now, were Lethe 紅蘿蔔.
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely went farther west
than Brighton. We saw
no laopo in the lychees, no Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and allmost everything the inner aisles arrayed
was inedible
to a bland New Englander, who, dredged in gochugaru too long,
would love you now, were Lethe 紅蘿蔔.
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely went farther west
than Brighton. We saw
laopo in the lychees, Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and ate allmost everything the inner aisles arrayed,
edible or not,
including that bland New Englander
dredged in gochugaru and marinated in gochujang.
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely went farther west
than Brighton. We saw
laopo in the lychees, Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and ate allmost everything,
packaging and all,
including that bland chowder
ruined with red paste.
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely went farther west
than Brighton. We saw
laopo in the lychees, Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and ate allmost everything,
including that "marine monster"
and the purple "phoenix" —
“new ghosts cursing fate, old ghosts wailing.”
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely went farther west
than Brighton. We saw
laopo in the lychees, Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and ate allmost everything,
including that "marine monster"
and the embroidered "phoenix" —
“new ghosts cursing, old ghosts wailing.”
Super BaBa was my California,
proofing that a journey west will bring you yeast,
and in those daze we rarely went farther west
than Brighton. We saw
laopo in the lychees, Du Fu in the dragonfruit,
and ate allmost everything,
including that "marine monster"
and the embroidered "phoenix" —
“ . . . . . . . . . fate . . . . . . . . . . ”