If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to rhyme on 3?
Whyme is a two of sorts.
To obtain Trinitarian perfection,
One must be more than itself
In its encounter with rhyme.
Doubling the spliced egg
Can achieve nothing better
Than wholeness.
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a 2 of sorts.
To obtain the Trinity,
1 must be more than itself
in its encounter with rhyme.
Doubling the haired egg
can obtain nothing better
than wholeness.
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a kind of 2.
To achieve The Triniddy,
1 becomes more than itself,
encountering rhyme.
Coupling the haired egg
achieves nothing better
than holeness.
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a kind of 2.
To reach Trinidad,
1 becomes more than one,
siring rhyme.
Harpooning the grouper
obtains nothing better
than wholeness.
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a kind of 2.
To reach Trinidad,
1 becomes 1 + X
and sires rhymes.
But harpooning the grouper
brought Shabine nothing
better than wholeness.
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a kind of 2.
To reach Trinidad,
1 becomes 1 + X
and milts rhyme.
Be that as it may, harpooning the grouper
did not save
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a kind of 2.
To reach Trinidad,
1 becomes 1 + X
and milts rhyme.
Harpooning the grouper
could not save
the salt-soaked poems he didn’t write.
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a kind of 2.
To reach Trinidad,
1 becomes 1 + X
and milts rhyme.
Harpooning the grouper
could not spare the brine
the sting of his triune poems.
If nullity were a sickness, memory loss the symptom.
Did I write 1.5 just to get a rhyme on 3?
Rhyme is a kind of 2.
To reach Trinidad,
1 becomes 1 + X
and milts rhyme.
Harpooning the grouper
could not spare the brine
the sting of his triune poem(s).