A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not pow, bam, no thanks mam.
This speaker cannot speak, now its thumbs have
Suffered cancellation,
Which puts a stamp to
Work. There are not
Enough fingers, if the fingers are so short. So
Pick a different mode of violence. Go luddite.
Wo Augen waren, soll Zeige und Mittel werden.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak, now its thumbs have
suffered cancellation,
which allows stamps
to work. These fingers
are insufficient, if they must be so short. Go
pick a different means of violence. Go luddite.
Wo Augen waren, sollen Zeige und Mittel werden.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak: its thumbs have
sustained cancellation,
which permits stamps
to work. Its fingers
will not suffice, if they must be so short. Get
a different death tool, reader. Go luddite.
Wo Augen waren, sollen Zeige und Mittel werden.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak: its thumbs have
endured cancellation,
which lets stamps act.
The other eight digits
will not suffice, if they must be stubs. Get
a different death toy, reader. Go luddite.
Wo Zweien waren, sollen Zwei und Drei werden.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak: its thumbs have
endured cancellation,
letting stamps travel.
The other eight won’t
suffice if they must be stubs. Fetch yourself
a different death toy, reader. Go luddite.
Wo Daumen waren, sollen Zwei und Drei werden.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak: its thumbs have
endured cancellation,
letting stamps travel.
The hateful eight must
fail as stubs. Fetch yourself a different death
toy, reader. Go luddite.
Der König Oedipus hat ein Auge zu viel vielleicht.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak: its thumbs have
endured cancellation,
letting stamps travel.
The hateful eight must
fail as stubs. Fetch yourself a fractal death
toy, viewer. Gouge, luddite.
Der König Lear hat ein Ohr zu wenige vielleicht.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak: its thumbs have
endured cancellation,
letting stamps travel.
The hateful eight must
fail as stubs. Fetch yourself a fractal death
toy, viewer. Gouge, ite!
Der Herzog von Gloucester hat einen Sohn zu wenige vielleicht.
A poem like a handgun, long barrel, short grip.
This speaker will not make aggressive noises.
This speaker will not speak: its thumbs have
endured cancellation,
letting stamps travel.
The hateful eight must
fail as stubs. Fetch yourself a fractal death
toy, viewer. Gouge, ite!
Lear hat zwei Tochter zu viel vielleicht.