The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
Reader! Live, for once, and leap
From thought to thought, like a polar bear
From one sweaty iceberg to the next.
I read that Badiou said that Plato thought
Became thinkable only in poetic form—
Or was it that he wrote poetically
When he addressed thought’s thinkability?
1.5 times 2 is 3.
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought, like a polar bear
leaping from one sweaty iceberg to the next.
I read that Badiou wrote that Plato thought
Thought became thinkable only in poetic form —
or was it that Plato wrote poetically
when he thought about thought’s thinkability?
1.5 times 2 is 3?
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought.
Harvest waits for no one.
Badiou wrote that Plato thought
thought became thinkable only as poetry —
or he thought that Plato wrote poetically
about thought’s thinkability?
1.5 times 2 = 3?
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought.
Diffident hands, dismal harvest.
Badiou thinks that Plato thought
thought became thinkable only as poems —
or does he think that Plato wrote poetically
about thought’s thinkability?
1.5 times 2 = 3.
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought.
Diffident hands, dismal harvest.
Badiou thought Plato thought
thought became thinkable only in poems —
or did he think that Plato wrote poetically
about thinkability?
1.5 * 2 = 3.
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought.
Diffident hands, dismal harvest.
Badiou thought Plato thought
thought became thinkable only in verse —
or did he think Plato wrote poetically
about thinking?
0.5 * 6 = 3.
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought.
Diffident hands, dismal harvest.
Badiou thought Plato thought
thought became thinkable only in verse —
or did he think he wrote poetically
about thought?
There is no one 3.
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought.
Diffident hands, dismal harvest.
Badiou thought Plato thought
thought became thinkable only in verse —
or did he think he wrote poetically
about his stutter?
3 3 3.
The trinity won’t save you now, hypocrite
weeder! Live, for once, and reap
thought after thought.
Diffident hands, dismal harvest.
Badiou thought Plato thought
thought became thinkable only in verse —
or did he think he wrote poetically
about his stutter?