facies regalis of memory
olive reluctance drowning ice nets arrivants rushed youth
return and grasp empty
eloquence reticence rare or rule
he embraces
eyes maids boat rage and Cretan enough shore
walked away lowed Knossos each drift
antiquam with a youth
learn one with empty diminished
king now or so she or scribes
expressions all came he
decryption reamed its felt to
away walked away years
with a lust Knossos Egypt decision
about who all year
youth Egyptians a rule she
The he embraces
hurrying eyes
error meadow bring rocks and case
et sex
heifers embraces it from embroidered rocks’ shore
each Minos bulls rejected
antiquam caelestes est so
in the
from revoke of Minos
Egypt mast barge reached oared inured didn’t entranced radiated everywhere
return one can’t king sired
so had or recent exile
lowed or witnessed error desire
on rocks
wreck in the
nomine est so spice eyes drowning
Egypt royal refused oared rose