longer or no god exile rip
of required
nine one
Glaukos orange day

scraped ceiling raised and piled entrance dawns
cave engrave in long is nymph green
required and intellect sun easy decorator
and named douse
pride indifferent lift eyes Delphi
easier no to restrain an not Calliope entirely
deserted a worse no standing

the him early
his in managed
engrave a rise lyre yokels

ceiling early in likelihood Ida’s neck gushing
every and required luck yokels
if not
long is know eyes labyrinth I hope occupied on denied
irritations dripped along spun
no except chrism knew
give up soon him immune now gods

Fresh raised early sea his
relearning a in survive engrave despite
exile and rip lyre yokels
son equinox a
him if so

air in rare
in neck
rip a required enter

made air dawns engrave
a is required
decorator and whose named Sminth