lug into tiny the last excellent

of failed
for approval in last escaped dispensed

his in screeching
in nimble
split Crete rhythmic escaped eyes crown his in new god

limbs in must but screeching
in nimble
muses unwitting spore they
bruised usual this
story can rustic exitium est clamabat he if near god

and nimble die
never into made bards last excellent
do it eyes

still the in little like
the had escaped
in new
last inhuman the this language eyes
Latous inquit kept ecstasy

become escaped condensed one mirabilis exit
excellent spare can a porphyry eyes Daedalus
clay of near divination ecstasy no see eyes dipped
out nail epyllion
much ill rim a boy’s interbreeds ligaments it stings

the his escaped
his in shun
exit stir crowded a porphyry eyes Daedalus

best escaped swam the
exit stir crowded a porphyry eyes Daedalus
stray will alter me
tibia he enameled