Darkness lay softly on the bare pine floor . . .
to attract some unimaginable moth
texture, a darkness more redoubtable
where feet in long tan shoes once pointed down
a cup’s inscrutable banality.
I stood there braced and tense, lips tightly drawn
music, which in its very principle
will not have read the texts that we have read.
He did not dare to meet his uncle’s eyes.
Dead men are heavier than broken hearts.
smoking the cigarette of young desp
before he could res
pond, and even though
unseen in Seoul, an is
land of cement
undoes his mission and my
hope, once more.
He knew and pract
iced all the rules of art,
but this is only p
artly true. One could,
content to jelly th
rough the night and meld,
cure enjoyment of their properties
use his Oriental residence
the m
ore one’s understanding of it grows.
to see the clo
sing of that early grave.
The w
eather added what it could of gloom.
I did not th
ink such anguish possible.
The way of doing what is d
one and done
had died before it filtered d
own to me.
The air was full of
baseball scores and bad
sic, which in its very principle
one a slightly different sense of time,
clear-cut armies of the purer air.
Music is wounded kin
ship’s last resort.
behind the
darkness of the handkerchief.
Her head became a
solitary cloud.
But what about the fantasies she has!
The smallest women had t
he roundest legs
where feet in long tan s
hoes once pointed down
a series of metallic st
rips that twined
a sw
itchblade honed on concrete, thin as pain.
hen women and their children work at home,
white is just another word for gray.
windows of the neighborhood are shut.
When women and t
heir children work at home,
the head of many tongues t
urns man to stone;
dence of his sensuality
ashes. They came because they wished to learn.
I d
id not wish to live what was not life,
the myth of inter
hidden by blatant cir
curious a land this is, – how full
letters of our alphabet, which are
standard English of the living dead.
the clear-cut armies of the purer
The programs we have built so far have
the white man’s Christianity – which
to see the closing of that early g
There was a
harmless way to extract a brain,
and even snow
flakes on an autumn day;
affinity between
the omniscient voice
and all the coo
king for the whites and slaves
is cer
tainly suggested by the trees
ring with a heart-shaped cookie knife.
For Lucy h
ad her work cut out for her.
The very
concept of the body is
serious work of
beating back the past.
I stood there br
aced and tense, lips tightly drawn
to find out
if a woman really loves
while tides s
urged through its quivering tears of gills.
At that the girl
rose straight up. Nora took
her not with expec
tations but with doom.
Her head became a solitary c
There’d be no candy for the k
ids that day.
Dead men are heavier than broken
The smallest women had the roundest
which came when they bore fruit. Their
stillness was
the grunting goddess of the
Golden Mean.
He found the creature cowe
ring in the cage,
his Buddhahood without a
doubt. It was
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
He gave
his head one violent shake as though
he p
laced the death-tube in its rack, and left
bloated back of something long demised.
a switchblade honed on con
crete, thin as pain.
ONE night when I had tasted
of mind, because it is the
death of death
to attract some unimaginable
so close to me that I could f
eel his breath
texture, a darkness more re
because, though
free, he was not formally
smoking the
cigarette of young despair
so that compo
sitors could use the same
. . . with s
lushed brains anything was possible . . .
a number is a
number, true is true.
handsome is as handsome did it, too!
He found the creature cowering in
the cage,
a scene from some fantastic ever
but then he’d
fallen into heresy,
while tides s
urged through its quivering tears of gills.
He knew and pr
acticed all the rules of art,
so close to me that I could feel his br
fill in from left to right until the
of malcontents announced a change of he
And handsome is as handsome d
id it, too!
Inside the silence of un
moving things,
you let him kick you
out because you thought
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
Darkness lay softly on the bare
pine floor . . .
how close I came to being so en
How curious a land this
is, – how full
because I couldn’t
find the food I liked.
They just don’t mind
my taking you along.
That’s what I’m being p
aid for, after all.
fill in from left to right
until the space
by men who cannot bear to
think themselves
undoes his mission and my
hope, once more.
I did not
wish to live what was not life,
for I deny
that you can ever force
the white man’s
Christianity—which asked
a promise genuinely promi
I say good twice. I don’t k
now why. I do
a series of metallic st
rips that twined
serious work of beating
back the past.
. . . with slushed b
rains anything was possible . . .
He was a stationary
cause I couldn’t find the food I liked.
was a harmless way to extract a brain,
so that
compositors could use the same
seen in Seoul, an island of cement
finity between the omniscient voice
even snowflakes on an autumn day;
let him kick you out because you thought
number is a number, true is true.
He was a
stationary traveler
stinguishing the long-expected rap.
He did not dare to meet his
uncle’s eyes.
Darkness lay softly on the
bare pine floor . . .
He brought the cup of cof
fee to his lips.
side the silence of unmoving things,
hat is not known is not seen as unknown.
The very
concept of the body is
the speck
led surface of the soured swamp,
a cup’s in
scrutable banality.
The pro
grams we have built so far have been
speckled surface of the soured swamp,
bloated back of something long demised.
The way of doing w
hat is done and done
and all the coo
king for the whites and slaves
ONE night when I
had tasted bitterness
will not have
read the texts that we have read.
The air was full of baseball
scores and bad
lashes. They came because they
wished to learn.
They just don’t mind my taking you a
he placed the death-tube in
its rack, and left
to find out if a woman really
because, though free, he was not
suffering with a
heart-shaped cookie knife.
The kinship of this
cognitive critique
had died before it filte
red down to me.
But what about the fantasies she has!
At that the girl
rose straight up. Nora took
the myth of inter
tinguishing the long-expected rap.
The very
concept of the body is
evidence of
his sensuality
hidden by blat
ant circularity.
He brought the
cup of coffee to his lips.
He gave his
head one violent shake as though
content to
jelly through the night and meld,
I did not th
ink such anguish possible.
I say good tw
ice. I don’t know why. I do
the grunting goddess of the
Golden Mean.
The windows of the neighbor
hood are shut.
of mind, because it is the
death of death
to use his Oriental resi
the more one’s understan
ding of it grows.
The kin
ship of this cognitive critique
is cer
tainly suggested by the trees
by men w
ho cannot bear to think themselves
a scene from some fantastic
while tides surged through its
quivering tears of gills.
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here."
That’s what I’m being paid for,
after all.
music, which
in its very principle
gives one a s
lightly different sense of time,
for I deny that you can ever
secure enjoyment of their
but t
his is only partly true. One could,
but t
hen he’d fallen into heresy,
came when they bore fruit. Their stillness was
his Buddhahood without a doubt. It was
fore he could respond, and even though
-white is just another word for gray.
what is not kn
own is not seen as unknown.
Music is w
ounded kinship’s last resort.
I say good twice. I don’t know why. I d
her not with expectations but with d
Lucy had her work cut out for her.
gave his head one violent shake as though
head of many tongues turns man to stone;
how close I came to being s
o ensnared.
The weather added what it could of gl
There’d be no candy for the k
ids that day.
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
Dead men are heavier than bro
ken hearts.
The programs we have built so
far have been
the standard English
of the living dead.
The kinship of this
cognitive critique
of mal
contents announced a change of heart.
He was a
stationary traveler
to find out if a woman
really loves
the letters of our alpha
bet, which are
a promise genuinely promi
the letters of our alphabet, which are
lashes. They came because they wished to learn.
side the silence of unmoving things,
you let him
kick you out because you thought
he placed
the death-tube in its rack, and left
texture, a
darkness more redoubtable
suffering with a heart-shaped
cookie knife.
ONE night when I had tasted
how close I came to
being so ensnared.
I did not think such
anguish possible.
The weather added what it could of g
I stood there braced and tense, lips
tightly drawn
because I couldn’t find the food I
He found the creature cowering in
the cage,
a series of metallic strips that t
behind the darkness of the handker
There was a harmless way to extract a b
and all the cooking for the whites and s
of malcontents announced a change of he
They just don’t mind my taking you a
At that the girl
rose straight up. Nora took
his Buddhahood
without a doubt. It was
the speckled sur
face of the soured swamp,
for I deny that
you can ever force
serious work of
beating back the past.
The way of doing w
hat is done and done
gives one a s
lightly different sense of time,
which came w
hen they bore fruit. Their stillness was
secure enjoyment of t
heir properties,
a cup’s inscrutable b
to attract some unimaginable m
affinity between the omnisci
ent voice
and even snowflakes on an aut
umn day;
what is not kn
own is not seen as unknown.
When women
and their children work at home,
is such a proj
ect thinkable: delayed
before he could respond, and even though
number is a number, true is true.
For Lucy had her
work cut out for her.
Her head became a solitary
They just don’t mind my taking you a
The smallest women had the roundest
unseen in Seoul, an is
land of cement
the more one’s under
standing of it grows.
I did not
wish to live what was not life,
but this
is only partly true. One could,
to jelly through the night and meld,
fill in from left to
right until the space
will not have read the
texts that we have read.
The windows of the neighborhood are
He gave his he
ad one violent shake as though
. . . with slu
shed brains anything was possible . . .
because, thoug
h free, he was not formally
so close to m
e that I could feel his breath
behind the da
rkness of the handkerchief.
He did not da
re to meet his uncle’s eyes.
He knew and pr
acticed all the rules of art,
the white man’s Christi
anity—which asked
a scene from some fanta
stic everglades,
But what about the fantasies she has!
a series of metallic strips that
her not with expectations but with
The air was full of baseball s
cores and bad
the clear-cut armies of the
purer air.
There’d be no candy for the k
ids that day.
How curious a land this is, – how
of mind, because it is the death
of death
to see the closing of that early g
He brought the cup of coffee to his
And handsome is as handsome did it, too
ONE night
when I had tasted bitterness
had died b
efore it filtered down to me.
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
But what about the fantasies she has!
Inside the
silence of unmoving things,
the myth
of intersexuality
is cer
tainly suggested by the trees
tides surged through its quivering tears of gills.
Darkness lay softly on the bare p
ine floor . . .
the grunting goddess of the Golde
n Mean.
That’s what I’m being paid for, afte
r all.
There was a harmless way to extract
a brain,
the bloated back of something long d
The smallest women had the roundest
of mind, becau
se it is the death of death
and even snowf
lakes on an autumn day;
to use his Ori
ental residence
the head of ma
ny tongues turns man to stone;
smoking the ci
garette of young despair
undoes his mis
sion and my hope, once more.
so close to me that I could f
eel his breath
a switchblade honed on con
crete, thin as pain.
How curious a land this is, – h
ow full
you let him kick you out be
cause you thought
by men who cannot bear to th
ink themselves
off-white is just another w
ord for gray.
evidence of his
where feet in
long tan shoes once pointed down
the standard Engl
ish of the living dead.
Music is wounded
kinship’s last resort.
does his mission and my hope, once more.
found the creature cowering in the cage,
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
I stood there b
raced and tense, lips tightly drawn
so that com
positors could use the same
hidden by blat
ant circularity.
He knew and pr
acticed all the rules of art,
but then he’d
fallen into heresy,
distinguishing the long-expected
He did not dare to meet his uncle’s
He found the creature cowe
ring in the cage,
The kinship of this c
ognitive critique
gives one a slightly
different sense of time,
for I deny that you
can ever force
lashes. They came because they
wished to learn.
That’s what I’m being paid for,
after all.
The weather added what it could of
At that the g
irl rose straight up. Nora took
secure enjoyment
of their properties,
because I couldn’t f
ind the food I liked.
you let him kick you out because you
off-white is just another word for
The windows of the neighborhood are
I did not wish to live what was not
a scene from some fan
tastic everglades,
which came when they bore
fruit. Their stillness was
serious work of beating back the p
The air was full of baseball s
cores and bad
texture, a darkness more redoub
the more one’s understanding of it g
There’d be no
candy for the kids that day.
I did not
think such anguish possible.
I say good
twice. I don’t know why. I do
the myth of inter
so that compositors
could use the same
suffering with a heart-
shaped cookie knife.
He was a stationary
before he could res
pond, and even though
he placed the death-tube in its rack, and
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
will not have read the
texts that we have read.
Dead men are heavier than
broken hearts.
The very concept of the
body is
a s
witchblade honed on concrete, thin as pain.
The pro
grams we have built so far have been
music, which in its very principl
is certainly suggested by the tr
unseen in Seoul, an island of cem
hidden by blatant
Music is wounded kin
ship’s last resort.
the speckled surface of the soured
the white man’s Christianity—which
her not with expectations but with
The way of doing what is done and
by men who cannot bear to th
ink themselves
where feet in long tan s
hoes once pointed down
evidence of his sensua
and all the cooking
for the whites and slaves
of malcontents ann
ounced a change of heart.
He brought the
cup of coffee to his lips.
because I couldn’t
find the food I liked.
. . . with slushed
brains anything was possible . . .
his Buddhahood
without a doubt. It was
content to
jelly through the night and meld,
but then he’d fallen into
but this is only partly t
rue. One could,
because, though free, he
was not formally
to use his Oriental
to find out if a woman really l
how close I came to being so ens
a scene from some fanta
stic everglades,
the letters of our alph
abet, which are
to attract some unimagi
nable moth
behind the darkness of
the handkerchief.
That’s what I’m being p
aid for, after all.
fill in from left to r
ight until the space
affinity between the o
mniscient voice
smoking the cigarette of young des
had died before it filtered down t
o me.
the grunting goddess of the G
olden Mean.
The smallest women had the roundest
to see the closing of that early g
or Lucy had her work cut out for her.
hen women and their children work at home,
hat is not known is not seen as unknown.
But what about the fantasies she has!
the head of many
tongues turns man to stone;
a cup’s insc
rutable banality.
the stan
dard English of the living dead.
Her head be
came a solitary cloud.
her not with expectations but with
And handsome is as handsome did it,
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
while tides surged through
its quivering tears of gills.
the white man’s Chr
istianity—which asked
the bloated back of
something long demised.
I did not think
such anguish possible.
feet in long tan shoes once pointed down
shing the long-expected rap.
windows of the neighborhood are shut.
The air was full of baseball scores and bad
evidence of his sensuality
and even snowflakes on an autumn day;
content to
jelly through the night and meld,
a number is a number, true i
s true.
The programs we have built s
o far have been
a promise genuinely promisin
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
the clear-cut armies of the
purer air.
I stood there braced and tense, lips tightly drawn
distinguishing the long-expected rap.
before he could respond, and e
ven though
what is not known is not seen
as unknown.
ONE night when I had tasted bi
to find ou
t if a woman really loves
the speckl
ed surface of the soured swamp,
Darkness l
ay softly on the bare pine floor . . .
serious work of
beating back the past.
There’d be no
candy for the kids that day.
unseen in Seoul, an island of
which came when they bore
fruit. Their stillness was
standard English of the living dead.
head became a solitary cloud.
the head of many tongues turns man to
Dead men are heavier than broken he
he placed the death-tube in its
rack, and left
a switchblade honed on concrete,
thin as pain.
to attract some unimaginable
a number is a number, true is t
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
and all the cooking for the
whites and slaves
by men who cannot bear to th
ink themselves
so t
hat compositors could use the same
lashes. They came because they wished to learn.
how close
I came to being so ensnared.
Music is
wounded kinship’s last resort.
grunting goddess of the Golden Mean.
music, which in its very principle
a promise genuinely promi
texture, a
darkness more redoubtable
gives one a s
lightly different sense of time,
the bloated back
of something long demised.
. . . with s
lushed brains anything was possible . . .
smoking the
cigarette of young despair
behind the darkness of the hand
He did not dare to meet his uncle’s
The weather added what it could of g
The way of doing what is done and d
undoes his mission and my hope, once
I did not th
ink such anguish possible.
And handsome
is as handsome did it, too!
He was a
stationary traveler
to see the closin
g of that early grave.
He knew and pract
iced all the rules of art,
a cup’s inscrutab
le banality.
but then he’
d fallen into heresy,
Buddhahood without a doubt. It was
mind, because it is the death of death
the m
ore one’s understanding of it grows.
the white man’s Christianity—which
to use his Oriental residence
because, though free, he was not
idden by blatant circularity.
He gave his head one violent shake
as though
off-white is just another word for gray.
He brought the cup of coffee to his
At th
at the girl rose straight up. Nora took
the letters of our
alphabet, which are
the clear-cut armies of the purer
where feet in long tan s
hoes once pointed down
I say good twice. I don’t
know why. I do
secure enjoyment of their
a series of metallic st
rips that twined
suffering with a heart-
shaped cookie knife.
They just don’t mind
my taking you along.
but this is
only partly true. One could,
for I deny t
hat you can ever force
between the omniscient voice
Lucy had her work cut out for her.
work of beating back the past.
is cer
tainly suggested by the trees
so close
to me that I could feel his breath
The kin
ship of this cognitive critique
will not have read the
texts that we have read.
the myth of inter
fill in
from left to right until the space
had died
before it filtered down to me.
How curious a
land this is, – how full
of malcontents
announced a change of heart.
The way of doin
g what is done and done
will not have r
ead the texts that we have read.
The very concep
t of the body is
a promise
genuinely promising.
I did not
wish to live what was not life,
guishing the long-expected rap.
There was a
harmless way to extract a brain,
the grunting goddess of the Golden
Inside the silence of unmoving
how close I came to being so en
and all the coo
king for the whites and slaves
undoes his miss
ion and my hope, once more.
When women and
their children work at home,
the myth of int
ashes. They came because they wished to learn.
There was a harmless way to extract a b
which came when they bore
fruit. Their stillness was
content to jelly
through the night and meld,
the speck
led surface of the soured swamp,
the standard English of the living
How curious a
land this is, – how full
fill in from
left to right until the space
the more one’s under
standing of it grows.
He knew and pract
iced all the rules of art,
of malcon
tents announced a change of heart.
but then he’d
fallen into heresy,
before he could res
pond, and even though
. . . with s
lushed brains anything was possible . . .
his Buddhahood
without a doubt. It was
the bloated back of so
mething long demised.
I s
ay good twice. I don’t know why. I do
a s
cene from some fantastic everglades,
but this is only partly true. One coul
een in Seoul, an island of cement
hen women and their children work at home,
secure enjoyment of
their properties,
the letters of our
alphabet, which are
a series of metallic st
rips that twined
the clear-cut armies of
the purer air.
For Lucy had her work
cut out for her.
because, though free, he was not formally
music, which in its very principle
died before it filtered down to me.
while tides s
urged through its quivering tears of gills.
Music is
wounded kinship’s last resort.
Her head be
came a solitary cloud.
At that the girl rose straight
up. Nora took
texture, a darkness more redoubt
because I couldn’t find the food I
That’s what I’m being paid for, after
nce of his sensuality
so cl
ose to me that I could feel his breath
ng the cigarette of young despair
hidden by blatant
And handsome
is as handsome did it, too!
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
He was a stat
ionary traveler
and even
snowflakes on an autumn day;
the head of many
tongues turns man to stone;
nbsp; what is not k
nown is not seen as unknown.
finity between the omniscient voice
mind, because it is the death of death
find out if a woman really loves
hind the darkness of the handkerchief.
The programs we have built
so far have been
a switchblade honed on conc
rete, thin as pain.
The windows of the neigh
borhood are shut.
I did not w
ish to live what was not life,
a cup’s ins
crutable banality.
Dead men ar
e heavier than broken hearts.
is certai
nly suggested by the trees
so that c
ompositors could use the same
weather added what it could of gloom.
The air was full of baseball
scores and bad
But what about the fantasies she has!
Inside the silence
of unmoving things,
number is a number, true is true.
ONE night when I had tasted bitterness
The kinship of this
cognitive critique
He brought the
cup of coffee to his lips.
off-white is just another word for g
There’d be no candy for the kids that
He gave hi
s head one violent shake as though
The v
ery concept of the body is
to at
tract some unimaginable moth
by men who canno
t bear to think themselves
They just d
on’t mind my taking you along.
Darkness la
y softly on the bare pine floor . . .
you let him kick you out because you
her not with expectations but with
to use his Ori
ental residence
gives one a
slightly different sense of time,
The small
est women had the roundest legs
He found the creature co
wering in the cage,
for I deny that you can
ever force
suffering with a heart-shaped
cookie knife.
He did not dare to meet his
uncle’s eyes.
I stood there braced and tense,
lips tightly drawn
he p
laced the death-tube in its rack, and left
to see the closing of that early
The kin
ship of this cognitive critique
lashes. They
came because they wished to learn.
Music is wounded kin
ship’s last resort.
The pro
grams we have built so far have been
letters of our alphabet, which are
a scene from some fantastic ever
suffering with a heart-shaped cookie
. . . with slushed brains anything w
as possible . . .
a switchblade honed on concrete,
thin as pain.
Dead men are heavier than broken
the more one’s understanding of it g
There was a harmless way to extract a b
the speckled surface of the soured
promise genuinely promising.
handsome is as handsome did it, too!
a series of metallic st
rips that twined
his Buddhahood without a d
oubt. It was
distinguishing the long-
expected rap.
before he could res
pond, and even though
I did not think such
anguish possible.
He knew and
practiced all the rules of art,
content to jelly
through the night and meld,
because I couldn’t find
the food I liked.
The smallest women had the
roundest legs
and all the cooking for the
whites and slaves
smoking the cigarette of young
where feet in lon
g tan shoes once pointed down
unseen in Seoul,
an island of cement
behind the darkne
ss of the handkerchief.
He brought the cu
p of coffee to his lips.
to find out if a
woman really loves
secure enjoyment
of their properties,
the head of many
tongues turns man to stone;
a number is a
number, true is true.
He did not dare
to meet his uncle’s eyes.
He was a statio
nary traveler
ONE night when I had tasted bitter
so close to me that I could feel his
you let him kick you out because you
the standard English of the living
by men who cannot
bear to think themselves
the clear-cut
armies of the purer air.
fill in
from left to right until the space
gives one
a slightly different sense of time,
and even
snowflakes on an autumn day;
the bloated back of
something long demised.
How curious a land this
is, – how full
he placed the death-tube in
its rack, and left
music, which
in its very principle
undoes his mi
ssion and my hope, once more.
the m
yth of intersexuality
not have read the texts that we have read.
women and their children work at home,
air was full of baseball scores and bad
not with expectations but with doom.
weather added what it could of gloom.
Darkness lay softly on the bare pine
floor . . .
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
There’d be no candy for the k
ids that day.
Her head became a solitary
a cup’
s inscrutable banality.
He gav
e his head one violent shake as though
to att
ract some unimaginable moth
e, though free, he was not formally
the grunting goddess of the
Golden Mean.
But what about the fantasies she has!
which came when they b
ore fruit. Their stillness was
of mind, because it
is the death of death
hidden by blatant ci
The windows of the n
eighborhood are shut.
but this is only partly true.
One could,
That’s what I’m being pai
d for, after all.
The way of doing what is
done and done
so that com
positors could use the same
evidence of h
is sensuality
is certainly
suggested by the trees
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
say good twice. I don’t know why. I do
letters of our alphabet, which are
see the closing of that early grave.
I did not wish to
live what was not life,
affinity between
the omniscient voice
The very
concept of the body is
then he’d fallen into heresy,
for I
deny that you can ever force
how close I came to being so en
I stood there braced and tense,
lips tightly drawn
while tides surged through its quiv
ering tears of gills.
He found the creature cowering in th
e cage,
They just don’t mind my taking you a
lashes. They came
because they wished to learn.
When women and their
children work at home,
I did not wish to
live what was not life,
serious work of b
eating back the past.
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
The air was full of baseball s
cores and bad
affinity between the omniscient
where feet in long tan s
hoes once pointed down
and all the cooking for
the whites and slaves
a switchblade honed on
concrete, thin as pain.
But what about the fantasies she has!
to use his Oriental re
of malcontents an
nounced a change of heart.
For Lucy had her
work cut out for her.
Inside the silence
of unmoving things,
off-white is just a
nother word for gray.
texture, a dar
kness more redoubtable
had died before
it filtered down to me.
At that the girl
rose straight up. Nora took
serious work of
beating back the past.
secure en
joyment of their properties,
the stan
dard English of the living dead.
The prog
rams we have built so far have been
grunting goddess of the Golden Mean.
ONE night w
hen I had tasted bitterness
before he c
ould respond, and even though
you let him kick you out
because you thought
That’s what I’m being
paid for, after all.
I stood there braced and tense,
lips tightly drawn
to see the closing of that early g
for I deny that you can ever force
the clear-cut armies of the purer air.
The very concept of the body is
music, which in its very principle
. They came because they wished to learn.
How curious a land this is,
– how full
affinity between the omniscient
is cer
tainly suggested by the trees
the more one’s unders
tanding of it grows.
Music is wounded
kinship’s last resort.
The windows of the neighbor
hood are shut.
Darkness lay softly on the
bare pine floor . . .
his Buddhahood without a
doubt. It was
smoking the cigarette of young des
while tides surged through its quive
ring tears of gills.
Dead men are heavier than broken h
The kinship of this cognitive critique
o close to me that I could feel his breath
where feet in long tan shoes once pointed down
ill not have read the texts that we have read.
how close I came to being so en
He gave his head one violent
shake as though
the myth of inter
had died before it
filtered down to me.
I say good twice. I don’t know why. I
the speckled surface of the soured s
hidden by blat
ant circularity.
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here.”
the bloated back of something
long demised.
a cup’s inscrutable bana
side the silence of unmoving things,
ill in from left to right until the space
undoes his
mission and my hope, once more.
The way of do
ing what is done and done
unseen in Seoul, an island of ce
content to jelly through the n
ight and meld,
s one a slightly different sense of time,
tinguishing the long-expected rap.
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
And handsome is as h
andsome did it, too!
malcontents announced a change of heart.
The air was full of baseba
ll scores and bad
suffering with a heart-shaped cookie knife.
I d
id not think such anguish possible.
There was a harmless way to e
xtract a brain,
white man’s Christianity—which asked
a s
witchblade honed on concrete, thin as pain.
I d
id not wish to live what was not life,
the head of many tongues t
urns man to stone;
Her head became a so
litary cloud.
a promise genui
nely promising.
He did not dare
to meet his uncle’s eyes.
He was a statio
nary traveler
. . . with slushed brains
anything was possible . . .
by men who cannot bear to th
ink themselves
and all the cooking for the wh
ites and slaves
because, though free, he was not
white man’s Christianity—which asked
of his sensuality
behind the
darkness of the handkerchief.
which came when they bore f
ruit. Their stillness was
a scene from some fantastic e
The w
eather added what it could of gloom.
but this is only partly true. One could,
because I couldn’t find the food I liked.
At that the girl r
ose straight up. Nora took
a series of metallic strips
that twined
to attract some unimaginable m
of mind, because it is the de
ath of death
There’d be no candy for the k
ids that day.
but then he’d fal
len into heresy,
serious work of b
eating back the past.
He found the crea
ture cowering in the cage,
to use
his Oriental residence
He k
new and practiced all the rules of art,
ture, a darkness more redoubtable
off-white is just another word for gray.
For Lucy had her work cut out for
he placed the death-tube in its
rack, and left
her not with expectations but with
so that com
positors could use the same
texture, a
darkness more redoubtable
unseen in Se
oul, an island of cement
by men who cannot bear to th
ink themselves
and even snowflakes on an au
tumn day;
a number is a
number, true is true.
They just don’t m
ind my taking you along.
I say good tw
ice. I don’t know why. I do
the clear-cut
armies of the purer air.
Dead men are hea
vier than broken hearts.
He did not dare to meet his
uncle’s eyes.
ONE night when I had tasted
you let him kick you out
because you thought
before he could res
pond, and even though
the head of many
tongues turns man to stone;
he p
laced the death-tube in its rack, and left
speckled surface of the soured swamp,
because, though free, he was not formally
a promise genuinely promi
He brought the cup of cof
fee to his lips.
Music is
wounded kinship’s last resort.
Inside the
silence of unmoving things,
a scene from some fantastic
a number is a number,
true is true.
The very
concept of the body is
the white
man’s Christianity—which asked
to at
tract some unimaginable moth
suffering with a
heart-shaped cookie knife.
I stood there bra
aced and tense, lips tightly drawn
behind the dar
kness of the handkerchief.
gives one a s
lightly different sense of time,
the myth of inter
and even snowflakes
on an autumn day;
the letters of our
alphabet, which are
secure enjoyment of their proper
fill in from left to right until
the space
off-white is just another word for g
There was a harmless way to extract a b
a series of metallic strips that
to see the closing of that early
the standard English of the living dead.
He k
new and practiced all the rules of art,
for I
deny that you can ever force
a cup’s inscrutable b
programs we have built so far have been
mind, because it is the death of death
stinguishing the long-expected rap.
which came when they b
ore fruit. Their stillness was
the bloated back of
something long demised.
There’d be no candy
for the kids that day.
while tides surged through its
quivering tears of gills.
How curious a land this is, – how
. . .
with slushed brains anything was possible . . .
but t
his is only partly true. One could,
smoking the cigarette of young despair
music, which in its very principle
of malcontents ann
ounced a change of heart.
And handsome is as
handsome did it, too!
kinship of this cognitive critique
does his mission and my hope, once more.
his Buddhahood without a d
oubt. It was
what is not known is not s
een as unknown.
I did not think such angu
ish possible.
but then he’d fallen into
so that compo
sitors could use the same
the more one’s
understanding of it grows.
He was a
stationary traveler
so close to me that I could f
eel his breath
had died before it filtered d
own to me.
He brought the cup of coffee t
o his lips.
hidden by blatant
how close I came to
being so ensnared.
The way of doing what
is done and done
certainly suggested by the trees
to use his Oriental residence
But what about the fantasies she has!
He gave his head one
violent shake as though
That’s what I’m being p
aid for, after all.
He found the creature cowering in the c
because I couldn’t find the food I lik
the g
runting goddess of the Golden Mean.
head became a solitary cloud.
Lucy had her work cut out for her.
At t
hat the girl rose straight up. Nora took
dence of his sensuality
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
The smallest women had
the roundest legs
to find out if a woman
really loves
her not with expectations but with
The windows of the neighborhood are s
and even snowflakes on an
autumn day;
secure enjoyment of their proper
what is not known is not seen as
The weather added what it could of
When women and
their children work at home,
Darkness lay
softly on the bare pine floor . . .
will not have
read the texts that we have read.
The smallest
women had the roundest legs
to find out if a
woman really loves
a promise genuinely
There was a harmle
ss way to extract a brain,
his Buddhahood wit
hout a doubt. It was
a promise genuinel
y promising.
When women and their child
ren work at home,
you let him kick you out b
ecause you thought
what is not known is not s
een as unknown.
They just don’t mind my ta
king you along.
At that the girl
rose straight up. Nora took
ONE night when I had tasted
behind the darkness of the
He brought the
cup of coffee to his lips.
He knew and pract
iced all the rules of art,
a series of metallic
strips that twined
the white man’s
Christianity—which asked
the clear-cut armies of the purer air.
He f
ound the creature cowering in the cage,
a switch
blade honed on concrete, thin as pain.
He gave his
head one violent shake as though
what is not known is not seen as un
And handsome is as handsome did it, t
the head of many
tongues turns man to stone;
for I deny that
you can ever force
the myth of inter
to find out if a
woman really loves
lashes. They
came because they wished to learn.
The air was
full of baseball scores and bad
the grunting
goddess of the Golden Mean.
he programs we have built so far have been
here feet in long tan shoes once pointed down
her not with expectations but with doom.
suffering with a heart-shaped cookie k
I did not wish to live what was not
but then he’d
fallen into heresy,
because I couldn’t
find the food I liked.
I say good twice.
I don’t know why. I do
fill in from
left to right until the space
and all the
cooking for the whites and slaves
gives one a s
lightly different sense of time,
a scene from
some fantastic everglades,
a cup’s in
scrutable banality.
Her head became a solitary
The smallest women had the
roundest legs
to attract some unimaginable
which came when they bore
fruit. Their stillness was
affinity between the
omniscient voice
to see the closing of that
early grave.
But what about the fantasies she has!
The kinship of this co
gnitive critique
smoking the cigarette of
young despair
will not have read the
texts that we have read.
content to
jelly through the night and meld,
how close I
came to being so ensnared.
I stood there braced and tense,
lips tightly drawn
so close to me that I could
feel his breath
hidden by blatant cir
I did not th
ink such anguish possible.
The very con
cept of the body is
a Barren Sign, it will produce no growth.
off-white is just a
nother word for gray.
the standard
English of the living dead.
distinguishing the
long-expected rap.
Inside the silence of
unmoving things,
he placed the death-
tube in its rack, and left
the letters of our
alphabet, which are
evidence of his
because, though
free, he was not formally
unseen in Seoul, an
island of cement
music, which in its very
to use his Oriental
undoes his mission and my
hope, once more.
the bloated back of
something long demised.
How curious a land this
is, – how full
the more one’s under
standing of it grows.
Darkness lay softly
on the bare pine floor . . .
the speckled surface
of the soured swamp,
so that com
positors could use the same
work of beating back the past.
The way
of doing what is done and done
malcontents announced a change of heart.
That’s w
hat I’m being paid for, after all.
before he could res
pond, and even though
by men who cannot bear
to think themselves
texture, a darkness more
is certainly suggested by the
but this is only partly true. One
while tides surged through its
quivering tears of gills.
He was a stationary
of mind, because it is
the death of death
. . . with slushed b
rains anything was possible . . .
a number is a number, t
rue is true.
had died before it filtered
down to me.
For Lucy had her work cut out
for her.
The windows of the neighbor
hood are shut.
They just don’t mind my ta
king you along.
Music is wounded kinship’s
last resort.
He did not dare to meet his
uncle’s eyes.
There’d be no candy for the k
ids that day.
The weather added what it could of
Dead men are heavier than broken he
Now, it’s complete because it’s ended here."