after Jackson Mac Low

                                                                   The Phoenician letter daleth
                                                                   The Phoenician letter ayin
                                                                   The Phoenician letter nun
                                                                   The Phoenician letter aleph
                                                                   The Phoenician letter lamedh
                                                                   The Phoenician letter daleth

                                                                   The Phoenician letter yodh

                                                                   The Phoenician letter taw
                                                                   The Phoenician letter res
                                                                   The Phoenician letter waw
                                                                   The Phoenician letter mem
                                                                   The Phoenician letter pe


                                                                                after Jackson Mac Low

                              His father loved him like a slammed door loves a rusty hinge.
 He could use his phone to fire goons without looking them in the eye.
                                                     He never ate fish,
                                                             only ox in patty form.
                     He’s on the phone again: “Can’t a cop use an ox-goad on a protestor . . . ?
                                 A border should be a wall, not a door . . .

                                                     “Why is this hand still so small . . . ?

                                                                 “Mark Meadows is a douchebag, but a useful one. . .
                                                      Why does my head taste so orange . . . ?
                             Use this flu thing to get me off the hook.”
                                                   Though he made water-pressure great again,
                          the whole world laughed at his unmasked mouth.